This five-day seminar with Jaak Panksepp and Doug Watt will cover and update much of Jaak’s original research and theoretical work in affective neuroscience on prototype emotions, with emphasis on the implications of affective neuroscience for psychiatry and psychiatric disorders, particularly depression, far and away our most common emotional/psychiatric issue. There will be an opening…

Enero 16 – Reunión de Grupo de Estudio de Neuropsicoanálisis (Mexico City)
Mexico City Neuropsychoanalysis Group
El grupo de Neuropsicoanálisis de la Ciudad de México, tiene el gusto de informar que el próximo 16 de enero tendrá lugar su XXIII reunión de grupo de estudio abierta. El objetivo de las reuniones, es poder revisar y discutir diversos temas correspondientes al diálogo entre las neurociencias y el psicoanálisis de forma grupal, llevando…
Neuropsychoanalysis Seminar at PINC, January 8-June 3
Classic Psychoanalytic Papers Seen Through the Lens of Neuroscience Register Now East Bay Ongoing Seminar in Neuropsychoanalysis with Maggie Zellner, PhD Fridays Jan. 8–June 3, 11:45 AM – 1:15 PM This seminar focuses on clinical applications of neuroscience, studying the emotional, memory, and cognitive systems of the brain in order to more deeply understand psychoanalytic…

Open Forum: Discussion of Mark Solms’ presentation on “Consciousness and the Unconscious”
December meeting of the Pfeffer Center
Mark Solms gave a remarkable presentation on Saturday, October 3 at the Pfeffer Center. His tour-de-force talk included a recap of the “conscious id” proposal, based on evidence that brainstem and subcortical circuits mediate the basic emotions, instincts, and drives — and that these circuits are also critical for consciousness. Solms then moved on to discuss the “cognitive unconscious,” and the ways in which…

No Pfeffer Center meeting in February
Next meeting on Saturday, March 5
There will be no meeting of the Pfeffer Center in February. Our next meetings are: March 5 Maggie Zellner, Ph.D., L.P. The Neuropsychoanalysis Foundation Integrating the “Global Workspace” with the “Conscious Id”: Developing a Neuropsychoanalytic Metapsychology with Implications for the Therapy Process April 2 Catherine Monk, M.D. Columbia University on the effects of…