A diverse series of six specialized reading lists has recently been added on our Education page. These suggested readings are tailor made to focus on a number of topics of relevance to the field of neuropsychoanalysis and have been designed to cater for individuals from various fields of expertise. The following key topics are covered:
Bridging Psychoanalysis and the Neurosciences before 1999 and the Advent of Neuropsychoanalysis
History of Neuropsychoanalysis
Clinical Neuropsychoanalysis
Psychodynamic Neuroscience
Efficacy of Psychoanalysis and Psychodynamic Therapy
Clinical Neuroscience
To read a brief description of each list, please click here. If you would like to suggest revisions or additions, or have additional topics you think should be covered, please email Dr. Ross Balchin at balchinrm@telkomsa.net.