Local transit:
We highly recommend downloading the Citymapper app, which can be very helpful in getting around NYC. Visit https://citymapper.com/ for details.
Yellow taxis can be hailed on the street; Uber is very reliable. However, the subway is preferable for journeys more than 30 blocks or so, because NYC street traffic can be pretty congested.
The nearest subway line to Mt. Sinai Hospital is the 6 train (the local train on the “green” line), exiting at the 96th Street station and walking a few blocks west to the venue (enter at via the Guggenheim Pavilion at 1190 Fifth Avenue or 1468 Madison Avenue, between 99th and 100th Streets).
You can also arrive via a number of local bus lines: M1, M2, M3, M4, M96, M98, M101, M102, M103, and M106, exiting the bus at 98th Street.
Complete public transit information and maps can be found at the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) website.
For parking information, please visit the Mt. Sinai visitor’s page here: https://www.mountsinai.org/locations/mount-sinai/your-visit/locations.
Information on getting into NYC from the nearby airports (LaGuardia, JFK, and Newark) will be coming soon.
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