Description: We are publishing a monthly e-newsletter with articles/book reviews from members and other interested individuals. We encourage submissions of abstracts, clinical reports, book reviews, and other research work to our president, at, or Dr. Koprowski is the author of a number of books on neurology and psychiatry, and his latest work is…
Neuropsychoanalytic Society, New Zealand
Description: Integrating knowledge, resources and findings from varying approaches, the Neuropsychoanalytic Society, New Zealand, conducts regular seminars for those interested in the human psyche. United by our common interest in the interface between neuroscience and psychoanalysis, we exist to promote understanding of mind, brain and behaviour, extending from conscious perceptions, beliefs and thoughts to the…
Italian Group for the Development of Neuropsychoanalysis
Description: This group involves and accepts psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, psychologists, and neuropsychologists, from public hospitals and university or private practice. The group aims to integrate information and findings from different approaches, both in psychoanalysis and in neuroscience (especially affective neuroscience) but also from neighbouring sciences as in the humanities, on any study, research, clinical issue that…
Madrid Neuropsychoanalysis Group
Description: Our group has emerged as a result of the interest of professors and students from the Master in Psychoanalysis and Theory of Culture programme at the Complutense University of Madrid. Their interest lies in deepening the neurobiological aspects of the work of Freud and his disciples. To try to achieve this, we will hold…
Orpha – Associazione psicoanalitica per la clinica, la cultura e la crescita personale
Description: “Orpha – Associazione psicoanalitica per la clinica, la cultura e la crescita personale” is a non-profit cultural association founded in the year 2017 by a group of professionals in the health sector that includes four psychologists, a psychiatrist and a doctor, operating in the territory of Rome, Chieti-Pescara and in the province of Lecce….