Italian Group for the Development of Neuropsychoanalysis
This group involves and accepts psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, psychologists, and neuropsychologists, from public hospitals and university or private practice. The group aims to integrate information and findings from different approaches, both in psychoanalysis and in neuroscience (especially affective neuroscience) but also from neighbouring sciences as in the humanities, on any study, research, clinical issue that may bring about the development of the dialogue between the subjective and the objective aspects of human and animal life. Particular points of interest of research of this regional group are developmental disorders in infancy and the long-term consequences of these disorders in adulthood. In particular, group research is devoted to developmental learning disorders and their affective and relational roots. In this respect, the group promotes interdisciplinary dialogues for a better psychoanalytic understanding and deeper insights on neuroscientific findings interpretation on developmental disorders conventionally described as dyslexia or attention deficit disorders. Moreover, other topics of research have been on the psychotherapy of postpartum depression and the use of oxytocin, the psychotherapy of functional disorders in childhood and in adult life and in general the differences and the commonalities between the psychoanalytic and the neuroscientific methods.
Group Coordinator:
Andrea Clarici
An application is required to join this group. For details about meeting locations, please contact the group coordinator.
Meeting Schedule:
Group discussions: Weekly
Seminars: Every trimester
Congress: Once a year
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