Madrid Neuropsychoanalysis Group
Our group has emerged as a result of the interest of professors and students from the Master in Psychoanalysis and Theory of Culture programme at the Complutense University of Madrid. Their interest lies in deepening the neurobiological aspects of the work of Freud and his disciples. To try to achieve this, we will hold interdisciplinary meetings with at least two prestigious specialists in each subject. We are in collaboration with anthropologists, philosophers, psychoanalysts, neurobiologists, psychologists, and psychiatrists. By contrasting their views, they will stimulate participation in the group’s scientific discussions and help us to gain a better understanding of the way in which the psychoanalytic technique acts over the brain and modifies mental functioning.
Group Coordinator:
Rosario García-Cordovilla
Menéndez Pelayo w/n square
S-217 (Ortega y Gasset classroom)
Faculty of Philosophy of the Complutense
University of Madrid
Meeting Schedule:
We will hold two meetings per trimester. The approach is interdisciplinary. At each meeting at least two speakers will present their different views on the same topic of interest for neuropsychoanalysis. The meetings will be open to the public and free of charge. They will be conducted in Spanish and we will facilitate Skype and Hangouts connections for those interested who are from outside of Madrid.
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