The Future of Neuroscience, Attachment and Mentalizing: From research to clinical practice
University College London
This conference will be one of the first conferences to explicitly focus on the application of neuroscience and neurobiology to clinical issues. Leading speakers will discuss recently emerging findings in affective neuroscience with immediate clinical relevance. They will focus on incorporating neurobiological findings with the aim to provide what every clinician should know from a neuroscience point of view. Clinical themes covered will include children and adults with a trauma history, autism, and early preventative interventions for at-risk children and parents.
The main speakers will be Bart Boets, Anna Buchheim, Ruth Feldman, Katerina Fotopoulou, Peter Fonagy and Pascal Vrtička. On the Sunday morning, there will be the opportunity to participate in clinical workshops which will explore the influence of the most recent emerging findings on clinical practice, and offer the opportunity for in-depth interaction with key practitioners in the field. Clinical workshops will be led by Martin Debbané, Pasco Fearon, Patrick Luyten and Nader Perroud.
Poster presentation submissions relating to the theme of the conference are welcomed. Please click here to view the guidelines for poster presentations. Alternatively, you can contact: The closing date for poster presentation abstracts is Friday 1 February 2019.
Please click here for further information, or visit the conference website.
To register, please click here.