Workshop with Mark Solms – Chicago
Neuropsychoanalysis: Theoretical And Clinical Lessons
Mark Solms, a pioneer in neuropsychoanalysis and a most engaging lecturer, offers a two-day immersion into the cutting-edge field of neuropsychoanalysis, which links, as he puts it, the “science of the mind as an object with those of the mind as a subject.” Topics will include the role of the conscious id and rethinking instinct theory, why people suffer from feelings, the meaning of symptoms, a reconceptualization of repression based on the nature of memory, the tasks of psychoanalytic treatment, and how countertransference, transference interpretations and working through contribute to the therapeutic process. The first day covers the rethinking of theory based on neuroscience findings. The second day will focus on implications for psychotherapy practice.
Mark Solms is a founder of the field of neuropsychoanalysis, which links the clinical findings of psychoanalysis with knowledge generated by neuroscience. He is a member of the British, American and South African Psychoanalytical Associations. His awards and honors include the Sigourney Prize and Honorary Fellowship of the American College of Psychiatrists. He has published over 300 articles and six books. His selected works were published in 2015 as The Feeling Brain.
CE Credits: 12.0
Fee: $300 | pre-registration required | To register for this workshop, please click here.
This workshop is co-sponsored by the Yellowbrick Foundation.