Pioneering Works in Neuropsychoanalysis and its Forerunners
Many authors were bridging psychoanalysis and the neurosciences decades before the term “neuropsychoanalysis” was coined.
This extensive literature — almost 450 individual publications — is summarized in this reading list, which contains most of the literature that explicitly explored the intersection of the neurosciences and psychoanalysis until 1999. To view a downloadable PDF of this reading list, please click here.
Last updated: 13/9/2018
Note: If you would like to recommend additional readings, or make any suggestions for revisions, please email Dr. Ross Balchin at rbalchin@npsa-association.org.
ACCARDO, P. (1982) `Freud on diplegia: Commentary and translation. Am. J. Dis. Child., 136: 452.
ADRIAN, E. (1946) `The mental and the physical sources of behaviour. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 27: 1.
ALLEN, J, LEWIS, L., PEEBLES, M. & PRUYSER, P. (1986) `Neuropsychological assessment in a psychoanalytic setting. The mind body-problem in clinical practice. Bull. Meninger Clinic, 50: 5-21.
AMACHER, P. (1965). Freud’s Neurological Education and its Influence on Psychoanlytic Theory. Psychol. Issues, 4 (Monograph 16).
—— (1974) `The concepts of the pleasure principle and infantile erogenous zones shaped by Freud’s neurological education’. Psychoanal. Q., 43: 218.
ANDERSSON, O. (1962) Studies in the Pre-History of Psychoanalysis: The Etiology of Psychoneuroses and Some Related Themes in Sigmund Freud’s Scientific Writings and Letters, 1886-1896. Stockholm: Svenska.
ARLOW, J. (1956) `Freud as a neurologist.’ Acta Medica Orientalia, 15: 189-191.
ATHEY, G. (1986) `Implications of memory impairment for hospital treatment.’ Bull. Meninger Clinic, 50: 99-110.
BARTHEIMER, L. (1943) `Concerning the psychogenesis of convulsive disorders.’ Psychoanal. Q., 12: 330-337.
BASCH, M. (1975) `Perception, consciousness, and Freud’s “project”‘. Annual Psychoanal., 3: 3.
BAY, E. (1982) `Sigmund Freud’s Contribution to the early history of aphasiology’. Historical Aspects of the Neurosciences: A Festschrift for Macdonald Critchley. Rose, C. & Bynum, W. (eds.) New York: Raven.
BECKER, H. (1963) `Carl Koller and cocaine.’ Psychoanal. Q., 32: 309-373.
BEEN, H. (1997) Dreams: the convergence of neurobiologic and psychoanalytic perspectives. J. Amer. Acad. Psychoanal., 25: 639-54.
BEKEI, M. (1993) `Commentarios al articulo “Los dinamismos de la epilepsia.’ Revista di Psicoanalisis, 50: 587-593.
BENEDEK, T. (1934) Mental processes in thyrotoxic states.’ Psychoanal. Q., 3: 153-172.
BENJAMIN, J. (1965) `Developmental biology and psychoanalysis.’ In N. Greenfield & W. Lewis (eds) Psychoanalysis and Current Biological Thought. Madison & Milwaukee: University of Wisconsin Press.
BENTON, A. (1985) `Bergson and Freud on aphasia: A comparison’. Studies in Neuropsychology: Selected Papers of Arthur Benton. Oxford: Oxford Univ.
BERES, D. & BRENNER, C. (1950) `Mental reactions in patients with neurological disease’. Psychoanal. Q., 19: 170-191.
BERNFELD, S. (1944) `Freud’s earliest theories and the school of Helmholtz’. Psychoanal Q., 13: 341.
—– (1949) `Freud’s scientific beginnings’. Am. Imago., 6: 162.
—– (1951) `Sigmund Freud, MD. 1882-1885′. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 32: 204.
—– (1953) `Freud’s studies on cocaine 1884-1887′. J. Am. Psychoanal. Assoc., 1: 581.
—– & CASSIRER-BERNFELD, S. (1952) `Freud’s first year in practice, 1886-1887′. Bull. Menninger Clin., 16: 37.
BERNHARDT, R. (1964) `Chemical homologue of the model presented in Freud’s “Project”‘. Psychoanal. Q., 33: 357.
BETLHEIM, S. & HARTMANN, H. (1924) `On parapraxes in the Korsakow psychosis’, 1951. In D. Rapaport (ed.) Organization and Pathology of Thought. Selected Sources, pp. 288-307. New York: Columbia University Press.
BINSWANGER, R. (1936) `Freud und die Verfassung der klinische Psychiatrie’. Schweiz. Archiv Neurol. Psychiatr., 37: 177.
BIRCHER, W. (1931) `Ein geheilter Fall von Epilepsie.’ Fortschritte der Sexualwissenschaft und Psychoanalyse, 4: 74-99.
BLACK, E. (1981) `Pseudopods and synapses: the amoeboid theories of neuronal mobility and the early formulation of the synapse concept, 1894-1900.’ Bull. His. Med., 55: 34-58.
BLECHNER, M. (1998) `The analysis and creation of dream meaning: Interpersonal, intrapsychic and neurobiological perspectives. ‘Contemp. Psychoanal., 34: 181-194.
BOUCHARD, R. (1975) Childhood Epilepsy: A Pediatric-Psychiatric Approach. New York: IUP.
BRAKEL, L. & SNODGRASS, M. `From the brain, the cognitive laboratory, and the couch.’ J. Amer. Psychoanal. Assn., 46: 897-920.
BRAZIER, M. (1959) `The historical development of neurophysiology, in Handbook of Physiology, Section 1, Neurophysiology, vol. 1. Field, J., Magoun, H. & Hall, V. (eds). Washington: Am. Physiol. Soc.
BRONSON, G. (1963) `A neurological perspective on ego development in infancy.’ J. Am. Psychoanal. Assoc., 11: 55-65.
BROOK, A. (1998) Neuroscience versus psychology in Freud. In R. Bilder & F. LeFever (eds) Neuroscience of the Mind on the Centennial of Freud’s Project for a Scientific Psychology. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 843: 66-79.
BROWN, J. (1998) Psychoanalysis and process theory. In R. Bilder & F. LeFever (eds) Neuroscience of the Mind on the Centennial of Freud’s Project for a Scientific Psychology. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 843: 91-106.
BRUN, R. (1936) `Sigmund Freud’s Leistungen auf dem Gebiete der Organischen Neurologie’. Schweiz. Archiv Neurol. Psychiatr., 37: 201.
BUCCI, W. (1997) Psychoanalysis and Cognitive Science: A Multiple Code Theory. New York & London: Guildford Press.
BYCK, R. (1974) `Sigmund Freud and Cocaine’ in Cocaine Papers by Freud, S. New York: Stonehill.
—– (ed.) (1974). Cocaine Papers by Freud, S. New York: Stonehill.
CHIESA, M. (1995) `Biological and psychic domains: clinical and institutional aspects.’ Psychoanal. Psychotherapy, 9: 121-131.
CLARKE, L. P. (1912) `Remarks upon psychogenetic convulsions and genuine epilepsy.’ Med. Record, October 5: [8 pp.]
—– (1913) `Newer aspects of the treatment of epilepsy.’ Med. Record, August 2: [19 pp.]
—– (1914) `A personality study of the epileptic constitution.’ Amer. J. Med. Sciences, 148: 729-739.
—– (1915a) `The nature and pathogenesis of epilepsy.’ New York Med. J., 54: February 27, March 6, 13, 20 & 27 [104 pp.]
—– (1915b) `A study of certain aspects of epilepsy compared with the emotional life and impulsive movements of the infant. ‘ Interstate Med. J., 22: [9 pp.]
—– (1915c) `A study of the epilepsy of Dostojewsky.’ Boston Med. Surg. J., January 14: [18 pp.]
—– (1916) `Some therapeutic suggestions derived from the newer psychological studies upon the nature of essential epilepsy.’ Med. Record, March 4: [20 pp.]
—– (1917a) `The psychological and therapeutic value of studying mental content during and following epileptic attacks.’ New York Med. J., 56: 678-682.
—– (1917b) Clinical Studies in Epilepsy. Utica, NY: State Hospitals Press.
CLYMAN, R. (1991) The procedural organization of emotions: a contribution from cognitive science to the psychoanalytic theory of therapeutic action. J. Amer. Psychoanal. Assn., 39 suppl: 349-382.
COHEN, D. (1991) `Tourette’s syndrome: A model disorder for integrating psychoanalysis and biological perspectives.’ Int. Rev. Psycho-Anal., 18: 195-209.
COLSON, D. & ALLEN, J. (1986) `Organic brain dysfunction in difficult-to-treat psychiatric hospital patients.’ Bull. Meninger Clinic, 50: 88-98.
COOPER, A. (1985). `Will neurobiology influence psychoanalysis?’ Am. J. Psychiatr., 142: 1395. (Reprinted, slightly revised, in A. Cooper, O. Kernberg & E. Person (eds), Psychoanalysis: Towards the Second Century, 1989. New Haven & London: Yale, pp. 202-218.)
COUVREUR, C., OPPENHEIMER, A., PERRON, R. & SCHAEFER, J. eds. (1997) Psychoanalyse, neurosciences, cognitivismes. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. 2/ed.
CRANEFIELD, P. (1966) `Freud and the “School of Helmholtz”‘. Gesnerus, 23: 35.
—– (1970). `Some problems in writing the history of psychoanalysis’. Psychiatry and its History: Methodological Problems in Research. Moria, G. & Brand, J. Springfield: Thomas.
CREEGON, S. (1993) `Epileptic seizures and infantile states: some thoughts from psychodynamic therapy.’ Seizure, 2: 291-294.
—– (1996) `Making sense: brain trauma, epileptic seizures and personal meaning.’ Psychoanal. Psychother., 10: 33-44.
DEVEREAUX, G. `Freud, discoverer of the principal of complementarity’. Int. Rev. Psycho-Anal., 7: 521.
DI PAOLA, F. (1997) `Il cervello affetto.’ Psiche, 5: 89-106.
DORER, M. (1932). Historische Grundlagen der Psychoanalyse. Leipzig: Meiner.
DREYFUSS, D. (1934) `Der Fall Wieland: Ein Beitrag zur Psychoanalyse der traumatischen Epilepsie und zur Psychologie der narzisstischen Neurosen.’ Int. Zeitschr. Psychoanal., 20: 210-240.
—– (1936) `Über die Bedeutung des psychischen Traumas in der Epilepsie.’ Int. Zietschr. Psychoanal., 22: 249-273.
—– (1949). `Delayed epileptiform effects of traumatic war neuroses and Freud’s death instinct theory.’ Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 30: 75-91.
EDELHEIT, H. (1969). `Speech and psychic structure. The vocal-auditory organization of the ego.’ J. Amer. Psychaonal. Assn., 17: 381-412.
—— (1976). `Complementarity as a rule in psychological research’. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 57: 23.
EDELSON, M. (1986) `The convergence of psychoanalysis and neuroscience: Illusion and reality’. Contemp. Psychoanal., 22: 479-519.
ELLENBERGER, H. (1970) The Discovery of the Unconscious: The History of Dynamic Psychiatry. New York: Basic.
EPSTEIN, A. (1977) `Dream formation during an epileptic seizure: implications for the study of the “unconscious”.’ J. Amer. Acad. Psychoanal., 5: 43-49.
—– (1987) `The phylogenesis of the “ego” with remarks on the frontal lobes.’ Amer. J. Psychoanal., 47: 161-166.
—— (1989) `Associations and their nature: A foundation of psychosomatic science.’ J. Amer. Acad. Psychoanal., 17: 463-473.
—— (1995) Dreaming and other Involuntary Mentation: An Essay in Neuropsychiatry. Madison CT: IUP.
ERDELYI, M. (1985) Psychoanalysis: Freud’s Cognitive Psychology. New York: W.H. Freeman.
ERIKSON, E. (1963) `Relevance and relativity in the case history’. In Childhood and Society. New York: Norton, pp. 23-47.
ESMAN, A. (1983) `The “stimulus barrier”: a review and reconsideration’. Psychoanal. Study of the Child, 38: 193-207.
FANCHER, R. (1971) `The neurological origin of Freud’s dream theory’. J. Hist. Behav. Sc., 7: 59.
—– (1973) Psychoanalytic Psychology. The Development of Freeud’s Thought. New York: Norton.
FEDERN, P. (1938). `The undirected function of the nervous system.’ Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 19: 173-198.
FEIGELSON, C. (1993) `Personality death, object loss, and the uncanny.’ Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 74: 331-345.
FENICHEL, O. (1946) [Comments on epilepsy in:] The Psychoanalytic Theory of Neurosis. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, pp. 265-267.
FERENCZI, S. (1913) [Comment on epilepsy in:] `Stages in the development of the sense of reality.’ First Contributions to Psycho-Analysis. London: Hogarth, p. 224 n. 14.
—– (1939 [1921]) `On epileptic fits: observations and reflections.’ Final Contribtions to Psycho-Analysis. London:
FISCHER, C. (1965) `Psychoanalytic implications of recent research on sleep and dreaming. Part 1: Empirical findings.’ J. Am. Psychoanal. Assoc., 13: 197-269.
—– (1965). `Psychoanalytic implications of recent research on sleep and dreaming. Part 2: Implications for psychoanalytic theory’. J. Am. Psychoanal. Assoc., 13: 271-303.
FORRESTER, J. (1980) Language and the Origins of Psychoanalysis. London MacMillan.
FRAIBERG, S. (1967) `The analysis of an eight-year-old girl with epilepsy.’ In E. Geleerd (ed) The Child Analyst at Work, pp. 229-287. New York: IUP.
FRANKL, S. (1929) `Hysterie in der Epilepsie.’ Wien. klin. Wochenschr., 42: 1499-1502.
FRANKLIN, M. (1928) `Die bedingten Reflexe bei Epilepsie und der Wiederholungszwang.’ Imago, 14: 364-376.
FRANZ, M. (1990) `Zur Psychosomatik neurologischer Erkrankungen: Erfahrungen mit der klinischen Neurologie aus der Sicht ein Psychoanalytikers.’ Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychoanalyse, 36: 355-373.
FRATTAROLI, E. (1992). `Metapsychology and consciousness: discussion of Albrecht Hirschmüller’s presentation’. In E. Garcia (ed.), Understading Freud: The Man and His Ideas. New York & London: New York University Press.
FREEDMAN, D. (1981) `The effect of sensory and other deficits in children on their experience of people’. J. Am. Psychoanal. Assoc., 29: 831-867.
FREEMAN, T. (1969) Psychopathology of the Psychoses. London: Tavistock.
—— (1988) `Psychoanalytic aspects of organic mental states.’ In T. Freeman, The Psychoananalyst in Psychiatry. London: Karnac.
—— (1992) `Psychiatric perspectives on Freud’s metapsychology.’ Int. Rev. Psycho-Anal., 19: 497-502.
FREUD, S. (1950 [1895]) `A project for a scientific psychology.’ Standard Edition, 1.
FREUND, H. (1930) `Selbsterziehung in einem Falle von genuiner Epilepsie.’ In Selbsterziehung des Charakters: Festschrift für Alfred Adler. Leipzig: S. Hirzel.
FRICK, R. (1982) `The ego and the vestibulocerebellar system: Some theoretical perspectives’. Psychoanal. Q., 51: 93.
FRIEDMAN, J. & ALEXANDER, J. (1983) `Psychoanalysis and natural science: Freud’s 1895 “Project” revisited’. Int. Rev. Psycho-Anal., 10: 303.
FRIEDMAN, R. & DOWNEY, J. (1993) `Psychoanalysis, psychobiology, and homosexuality.’ J. Am. Psychoanal. Assoc., 41: 1159-1198.
FRITH, C., REES, G. & FRISTON, K. (1998) Psychosis and the experience of self: brain systems underlying self-monitoring. In R. Bilder & F. LeFever (eds) Neuroscience of the Mind on the Centennial of Freud’s Project for a Scientific Psychology. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 843: 170-178.
FULLINWIDER, S. (1983) `Sigmund Freud, John Hughlings Jackson and Speech’. J Hist. Ideas., 44: 151.
GALANT, J. (1925) `Über Epilepsien genitalen Ursprungs: Beitrag zur Frage der Hystero-Epilepsie.’ Schweizerische Med. Wochenschrift, 36: 830-833.
—– (1927) `Entstehungsgeschichte, Entwicklung und Verlauf einer Hysteroepilepsie.’ Archiv für Kinderheilkunde, 77: 64-71.
—– (1928) `Das Problem der Hystero-Epilepsie.’ Archiv für Kinderheilkunde, 78: 266-269.
GALIN, D. (1974) `Implications for psychiatry of left and right cerebral specialization: A neurophysiological context for unconscious processes’. Arch. Gen. Psychiatr., 31: 572.
GEDO, J. (1997) `Reflections on metapsychology, theoretical coherence, hermeneutics, and biology.’ J. Amer. Psychoanal. Assn., 45: 779-806.
GEERARDYN, F. (1993) `Freuds “Ontwerp van een natuurwetenschappelijke psychologie”.’ Psychoanal. Perspektieven, 21: 25-32.
—– (1997) Freud’s Project: On the Roots of Psychoanalysis. London: Rebus Press.
GEHDE, E. and EMRICH, H.M., (1998) ‘Kontext und Bedeutung: Psychobiologie der Subjektivität im Hinblick auf psychoanalytische Theoriebildungen’. Psyche 9/10, Sept./Okt 1998: S. 963-1003.
GELFAND, T. (1988) `”Mon cher Docteur Freud”: Charcot’s unpublished correspondence to Freud, 1888-1893.’ Bull. Hist. Med., 62: 563-588.
—– (1989) `Tuesdays at the Salpêtriére.’ Bull. Hist. Med., 63: 132-144.
GERMINE, M. (1998) The concept of energy in Freud’s `Project for a scientific psychology’. In R. Bilder & F. LeFever (eds) Neuroscience of the Mind on the Centennial of Freud’s Project for a Scientific Psychology. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 843: 80-90.
GIBEAULT, A. (1985) `Travail de la pulsion et représentation: représentation de chose et rerésentation de mot’. Rev. FranI. Psychoanal., 49: 753-772.
GICKLHORN, J. (1955). `Wissenschaftsgesichtliche Notizen zu den Studien von S. Syrski (1874), und S.Freud (1877). Über mannliche Flussale’. Sitzungsber. Österr. Akad. Wissensch. Mathem.-nature. Kl., Abt. 1, Vol. 164, Heft 1 & 2. Vienna: Springer.
GIEGENMULLER, H. (1976) `Psychoanalysis of an epileptic patient with an hysterical character.’ Psyche, 30: 228-251.
GILLETT, E. (1988) `The brain and the unconscious.’ Psychoanal. Contemp. Thought, 11: 563-578.
GLICK, B. (1966) `Freud, the problem of quality and the `secretory neuron’.’ Psychoanal. Q., 35: 84-97.
GLYMOUR, C. (1997) Déjà vu all over again. In J. Cohen & J. Schooler (eds) Scientific Approaches to Consciousness. Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
GOEPPERT, S. (1974). `Die Funktion der Sprache in Sigmund Freuds “Zur Auffassung der Aphasien”‘. Aus Freuds Sprachweld und Andere Beiträge. Bern, Stuttgart, Vienna: Jahrb. Psychoanal. Beiheft 2.
GOLDIE, L & GREEN, J. (1961) `Attention and in-attention in neurophysiology.’ Nature, 192: 1116-21.
GOLDSTEIN, R. (1995). `The higher and lower in mental life: an essay on J. Hughlings Jackson and Freud.’ J. Amer. Psychoanal. Assn., 43: 495-515.
GOTTSCHALK, L. (1953) `Effects of intensive psychotherapy on epileptic children.’ Arch. Neurol. Psychiatr., 70: 361-84.
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GRAVEN, P. (1924) `Die aktive analytische Behandlung der Epilepsie.’ Fortschr. Sexualwiss. Psychoanal., 1: 58-169.
GREEN, A. (1997) `Cognitivismo, neuroscienze, psicoanalisi: un dialogo difficile. Psiche, 5: 65-76.
GREENSON, R. (1944) `On genuine epilepsy.’ Psychoanal. Q., 13: 139-159.
GRIGG, K. (1977) `Implications of left-right specialization for psychoanalytic data collection and evaluation.’ Int. Rev. Psycho-Anal., 4: 449-457.
GRINKER, R. (1941). `The interrelation of neurology, psychiatry and psychoanalysis’. J. Am. Med. Assoc., 116: 2236.
GROSSMAN, W. (1992) `Hierarchies, boundaries, and representation in a Freudian model of mental organization’. J. Am. Psychaoanal. Assoc., *: 27-62.
GROTJAHN, M. (1938) `Psychoanalysis and brain disease (observations of juvenile paretic patients)’. Psychoanal. Rev., 25: 149-164.
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GUEY, J. (1974) `Psychopathology of epilepsy: the psychoanalyst’s viewpoint.’ Rev. Neuropsychiatr. Infant, 22: 185-188.
GUTTMANN, G. & SCHOLZ-STRASSER, I. eds. (1998) Freud and the Neurosciences: From Brain Research to the Unconscious. Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
HADLEY, J. (1983) `The representational system: A bridging concept for psychoanalysis and neurophysiology’. Int. Rev. Psycho-Anal., 10: 13.
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HARACZ, J. (1984) `Neural plasticity and the inclusion of biology in psychoanalytic metatheory.’ Psychoanal. Contemp. Thought, 7: 469-490.
HARRINGTON, A. (1987) Freud and Jackson’s double brain: The case for a psychoanalytic debt. In Medicine, Mind and the Double Brain: A Study in Nineteenth-Century Thought, pp. 235-247. Princeton NJ: PUP.
HARRIS, J. (1986) Clinical Neuroscience: From Neuroanatomy to Psychodynamics. New York: Human Sciences.
HARTMANN, E. (1982) `From the biology of dreaming to the biology of the mental.’ Psychoanal. Study of the Child, 37
HEILBRUNN, G. (1950) `Psychodynamic aspects of epilepsy’. Psychoanal. Q., 19: 145-157.
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HENDERSON, V. (1992) `Sigmund Freud and the diagram-maker school of aphasiology’. Brain and Language, 43: 19-41.
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HENDRICK, I. (1940) `Psychoanalytic observations on the aura of two cases with convulsions.’ Psychosomatic Med., 2:
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HERBERER, F. (1924) `Analyse eines Falles von 22 Jahre lang bestehender Epilepsie.’ Fortschr. Sexualwiss. Psychoanal., 1: 170-177.
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HEYNICK, F. (1985) Dream dialogue and retrogression: Neurolinguistic origins of Freud’s “Replay hypothesis”‘. J. Hist. Behav. Sc., 21: 321.
HIRSCH, E. (1926) `Erlebnisspuren im epileptischen Anfall und Ausnahmezustand.’ Zeitschr. Ges. Neurol. Psychiatr., 105: 409-432.
HIRSCHMÜLLER, A. (1978) Physiologie und Psychoanalyse in Leben und Werk Josef Breuers. Bern: Huber.
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HOFF, H. & SEITELBERGER, F. (1952) `The history of the neurological school of Vienna’. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 116: 495.
HOFFER, W. (1955) Ego reactions in cerebral disease: a case report. In W. Hoffer, Psychoanalysis: Practical and Research Aspects. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.
HOFFMANN, M. (1962). `On the relationship between psychoanalysis and the philosophy of mind’. Psychoanal. Q., 31: 62-72.
HOFMANN-STOCKER, E. (1990) `Psychische Verarbeitung und Psychotherapie in der Rehabilitation hirnveletzter Jugendlicher.’ Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 2: 75-94.
HOLLOS, S. & FERENCZI, S. (1925) Psychoanalysis and the Psychic Disorder of General Paresis. New York & Washington: Nrevous and Mental Disease Publishing Co.
HOLT, R. (1965) `A review of some of Freud’s biological assumptions and their influence on his theories’. Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought. Greenfield, N. & Lewis, W. (eds.) Madison & Milwaukee: Univ. Wisconsin.
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HOPPE, K. (1977) `Split brains and psychoanalysis’. Psychoanal Q., 144: 220.
HOSKINS, R. (1936) `An endocrine approach to psychoadynamics’. Psychoanal. Q., 5: 87-107.
HURRY, A. (1989) `Kevin: self-destructive action and suicidal wishes.’ In M. Laufer & M.E. Laufer (eds.), Developmental Breakdown and Psychoanalytic Treatment in Adolescence. New Haven: Yale University Press.
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JACKSON, S. (1969) `The history of Freud’s concept of regression’. J. Am. Psychoanal. Assoc., 17: 743.
JELLIFFE, S.E. (1929) `Psychologic components in postencephalitic oculogyric crises.’ Arch. Neurol. Psychiatr., 21: 491-532.
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JONES, B.P. (1993) `Repression: The evolution of a psychoanalytic concept from the 1890’s to the 1990’s.’ J. Amer. Psychoanal. Assoc., 41: 63-93.
JONES, E. (1913) `The relation between organic and functional nervous diseases.’ Papers on Psycho-Analysis, 1/ed. London: Balli6re, Tindall & Cox, pp. 134-140.
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JOSEPH, R. (1982) `The neuropsychology of development: hemispheric laterality, limbic language, and the origin of thought.’ J. Clin. Psychol., 38: 4-33.
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KANDEL, E. (1979) `Psychotherapy and the single synapse: the impact of psychiatric thought on neurobiological research.’ New Engl. J. Med., 301: 1028-37.
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KANZER, M. (1973) `Two prevalent misconceptions about Freud’s “Project”‘. Annual Psychoanal., 1: 88.
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KAPLAN-SOLMS, K. & SOLMS, M. (1996) `Psychoanalytic observations on a case of frontal-limbic disease.’ J. Clin. Psychoanal., 5: 405-438.
KARDINER, A. (1932) `The bio-analysis of the epileptic reaction.’ Psychoanal. Q., 1: 375-483.
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