Linking the Clinical Conversation, Development, and Neurobiology
Emotion Schemas as a Bridge
Dr Charles Jaffe, MD
Saturday, 26 April
11 a.m. (EDT- Eastern USA)
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This webinar will be approximately two hours long.
Asking the question, “What is the patient suffering from?”, is a valuable heuristic that connects the clinical process with ideas from affective neuroscience. It is not possible to put a probe in a patient to activate the behaviors termed basic emotions systems. Needed is a methodology that can help observe and monitor changes in the emotion schemas that emerge over the course of development starting in the earliest moments of life, and are grounded in basic emotion systems, drives and instincts and their transformation over time.
Multiple Code Theory and the derived measures of Arousal, Symbolization and Reflection/Reorganization is a method to observe the activation and changes in emotion schemas, providing a link between basic affective neuroscience and its appearance in the clinical conversation.
The webinar will describe MCT and the measures. Using video from an actual case, the yield of the method will be demonstrated.
Charles M. Jaffe, M.D. is in private practice in Chicago. He is a Training and Supervising Analyst at the Chicago lnstitute for Psychoanalysis and Assistant Professor of Psychiatry (retired) at Rush University Medical Center. He is a graduate of the University of Maryland School of Medicine (1974) and completed his Internship in Medicine (1974) and Residency in Psychiatry (1974-1977) at Michael Reese Hospital, Chicago. He completed a Fellowship in Clinical Research in Adolescence at Michael Reese and The University of Chicago (1977). He received the 1984 James Saft Award for Outstanding Clinical Instructor in the Department of Psychiatry at Michael Reese Medical Center and has been a four-time recipient of the Residents’ Award for Outstanding Psychotherapy Teacher in the Psychiatric Residency at Rush University Medical Center. He has conducted seminars and lectures in research and practice around the United States and in China. Dr Jaffe’s lectures on a Self-Psychological approach to brief psychotherapy and a dynamic systems perspective on adolescent psychotherapy have been featured in Audio Digest Psychiatry. He is also a working jazz drummer.
Dr Jaffe’s publications include critiques of psychoanalytic theory, brief psychotherapy, a complex dynamic systems approach to adolescent development and treatment and the theory of therapeutic action. His recent work has focused on the integration of the clinical conversation and psychotherapy process research.
Publications include: Organizing Adolescents(-ce): A Dynamic Systems Perspective on Adolescence and Adolescent Psychotherapy (Annals of Adolescent Psychiatry, 25:17-43, 2000); Assessment in Brief Psychotherapy: An Application of Epigenetic Hierarchical Models (Annual of Psychoanalysis,25:73-95, 1998); Psychoanalytic Reconstructions and Empirical Data: Reciprocal Contributions (with P. Barglow & B. Vaughn, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 37:401-435,_1989); and The Adolescent Psychotherapist: Research Producer and Research Consumer (In, The Handbook of Clinical Research and Practice with Adolescents. P. Tolan and B. Cohler eds. 1993).
Recent work on clinical-researcher collaboration includes: Bucci, W., Jaffe, C., Maskit, B. (2022). Contrasting Perspectives on the Therapeutic Process: The Case of Ms. M. (Rivista Di Psicoanalisi. LXVIII(1):1.1-23. Published in Italian as: Prospettive contrastanti sul Processo Terapeutico; Il Caso della Signora M); Jaffe, C., Bucci, W., Maskit, B, Murphy, S. (2024). Clinical and Research Perspectives on the Therapeutic Conversation: The Case of Ms. M. (Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association. 72(6). pp. 911-952); and, Jaffe, C. Clinician-Researcher Collaboration: The Road to Ms. M. (Journal of Psycholinguistics. In preparation).
CPD credits: 2
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